For a while, I am suffering from gamestutter. It is affecting all my characters. Stuttering isn't always predictable, however, it's usually reactive. When WOW TBC Gold I change between my weapons (2h shield to shield, and reverse) I stutter. My rogue also has stealth, and I stumble when I drop combat. It happens frequently particularly when there is lots of activity, like in raid environments. To check this out, I turned off all add-ons. The results indicate that the stuttering is smaller, yet it still occurs. It makes me think about what might be the cause. It's unlikely that my computer is the cause. I've tried disabling addons, changing the video settings in-game and then reinstalling the game. The flashing of new bios and disabling hyperthreading were a few of my options. The problem is that none of this seems to work. What is the best way to fix this issue? It's really irritating. Imagine your screen turning blank each when you switch from a shield to a spell reflect.
Update After all the work I put into setting my FPS at an amount that kept my card at a lower than 50 percent load, I was having issues with cheap Burning Crusade Classic Gold flickering during an Kara raid the other night. Therefore, I turned off Freesync completely, and it did the trick to fix the issue.